Reading Weekend

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Reading Weekend 2024
What is Reading Weekend?

JPIA prides itself on being a product of a diverse set of both authors and editors. Every winter, Princeton hosts editors from APSIA schools across the country for a weekend to read, edit, debate, and ultimately select submissions for publication in the Journal. While the Princeton leadership team sets the direction for the Journal, each edition’s shortlist of articles is the result of multiple rounds of intensive review by a team of editors from as many as 20 APSIA schools. Throughout the weekend, APSIA editors have the opportunity to meet and build relationships with one another and with editors from Princeton's School of Public and International Affairs. 

Who can participate in Reading Weekend?

Graduate students from Princeton and other APSIA member schools are eligible to participate in Reading Weekend. Participants tend to be members of their school’s editorial teams. At Princeton, we hold a separate application process to select Associate, Senior, and Deputy Editors. Editors from other schools not only attend Reading Weekend in February but also assist in the editing of an article selected for publication after Reading Weekend.

When, Where, How?

The 2024 Reading Weekend was held at Princeton University from February 23 to 25, 2024. Applications for the 2025 Reading Weekend will come out in Fall 2024. Travel costs are typically the responsibility of the visiting editor while food and housing during Reading Weekend are provided by Princeton editorial staff.