Annotations Submission Guidelines

What is Annotations?

Annotations is a bi-monthly newsletter featuring commentary and blog-style writing on timely topics in domestic policy, international relations and development, and economic policy from SPIA students and alumni. 

What types of submissions does Annotations accept?
  • Op-Eds

  • Research overview

  • Journalistic articles

  • Interviews with faculty or other experts

  • Book reviews (related to public or international affairs)

  • Policy workshop perspectives

  • Policy trip perspectives

If you have an idea that is not on this list, feel free to reach out to Paco Gonzalez, ([email protected]), Mera Cronbaugh ([email protected]), or Michelle Zhang ([email protected]) to discuss. We are open to new submission ideas!


How do I submit something?

To officially submit something for consideration for publication, please email a Microsoft Word document or Google Doc document with your submission to [email protected] or fill out the Google Form below. You can also CC Paco, Mera, or Michelle if you want.

Annotations Submission Form

I've submitted my piece to JPIA - what happens next?

After you have emailed the Journal, Paco, Mera, or Michelle will be in touch within 2-3 days to discuss any outstanding questions they may have. The draft you submit will then be reviewed for edits within 1 week of JPIA accepting your piece for the blog. Once we review your piece, they will email you back with suggested edits for your approval. Once you approve the final edits and any other suggested changes, we will publish the piece on the blog and notify you.

What if I have an idea, but no written piece yet?

Feel free to reach out to the Journal with a proposed topic. Paco, Mera, and Michelle are available to brainstorm ideas with you if you aren't sure which direction to take a specific topic. Once we approve your proposed topic, we expect a first draft on the approved topic within 7-14 days.