Annotations is a newsletter featuring commentary and blog-style writing on timely topics in domestic policy, international relations and development, and economic policy from SPIA students and alumni.
“It’s about changing the world. It’s about changing the way that we relate to work and to money.” - Kate Khatib, Seed Commons
American policy on submarine data cables is ineffective and counterproductive, and the national security of the United States would be better off if it encouraged international cooperation and multi-firm ownership.
The Dominican Republic is poised for tremendous economic and social growth but only if it can successfully address three major challenges: a failing electricity sector, low-quality education, and social inequality.
Our discussions with multiple stakeholders emphasized the need for coordinated action and innovative solutions to address these issues. It highlighted the importance of international cooperation, fiscal responsibility, and inclusive development strategies for Ghana’s sustainable development.
By addressing the immediate challenges of cost, infrastructure, and social norms, Jamaica can pave the way for a more sustainable and equitable energy future.
If Egypt continues to receive IMF funding without relinquishing state-control of its economy, it will never escape its financial crisis and will only require more bailouts.
The increasing prevalence of artificial intelligence technologies in the United States has generated a new kind of redlining risk through algorithmic bias. President Biden’s recent executive order provides one of several opportunities to curb this risk.
Countries with the highest historic carbon emissions – and therefore most responsible for the worst effects of a warmed planet – should pay for climate-induced damages.
The only way toward collective liberation for both Palestinians and Israelis is decolonization and ensuring equal rights to land, freedoms, and justice.
How a novel heat-microinsurance program launched in Gujarat, India protects informal female workers by replacing income lost due to climate-driven extreme heat events.
As African states move to accelerate regional integration through free trade, can they harness Africa's economic powerhouse - the informal economy?
Leaders in support of the National Register of Citizens ought to consider the policy’s harmful consequences, which stand in contradiction to India’s constitutional principles of human rights and secularism.
The Consequences for Health of Women and Girls in the Horn of Africa
As policymakers seek to mitigate threats to civil-military relations, one phenomenon that should be addressed is that of members of Congress serving in the National Guard or Reserves.
Without the right to organize, tenants don’t stand a chance against the increasingly concentrated power of landlords.
Now, more than ever, we can signal to the rest of the state and the country that LA County can lead efforts to decarcerate and rectify the overcriminalization of many of LA County’s most vulnerable populations.
The federal government needs to coordinate a response that ensures equitable water allocation, conservation, and adaptation, while continuing to aggressively address climate change.
A Conversation with Professor Manish Bhardwaj, CEO and co-founder of Innovators in Health
Puerto Rico can and should see food security not just as a basic right but also as a potential engine for growth on the island.
Save democracy, or save the filibuster.
How can Canada's Phoenix pay system fiasco shed light on ways to avoid program mismanagement and foster sound economic and financial stewardship?
A Conversation with Dr. Brian Bridges, Secretary of Higher Education for New Jersey
Can a more flexible admissions process decrease inequality in access to higher education in Peru?
We need to think beyond STEM education.
The U.S. government must reorganize its influence operations apparatus and reshape the strategic nature of American influence abroad.
A Conversation with Yayoi Segi-Vltchek, UNESCO Chief of Section for Migration, Displacement, Emergencies and Education.
If your political power relies on your ability to confuse voters, then you're running on borrowed time.